Soul Care Journey
a Space for You to be REAL and NEVER ALONE Join a Journey GroupBecome a Journey Group LeaderOur Mission
Connecting YOU with people who get YOU and your struggle

You and I are designed for relationship
When we struggle alone, life becomes harder, we feel helpless and more vulnerable to give in to excessive use of drugs, alcohol, eating, the internet, sex, shopping, working and the phone to numb the pain. We know we’ve become addicted when we’re suffering the negative consequences, including our physical health.
That’s why our nonprofit SCJ (Soul Care Journey) exists.
Think of us as a bridge connecting you to a small group of individuals who share in your same struggle.

By doing life together, you’ll experience what it means to be:

Interested in Leading a Group?
“I am very thankful for the help, encouragement and direction I have received. Her broad understanding of the material allowed me to put things in their proper perspective. Questions she asked helped me gain greater insight and appreciation of who I truly am. I look forward to working together with her more!”
– Anonymous